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Data Protection Compliance


Are you confident that your business is achieving all its necessary statutory obligations when it comes to processing or handling data - whether it’s internal data about employees and suppliers or data provided by your valuable customers? Are you aware that for any sizeable data-related project you are required to produce an impact assessment?  Is your company compliant across the full range of statutory data protection requirements?


Progressive Data are here to help you audit and verify your required statutory compliance, both internally and with third-party data processors.


Our compliance services can help you:

  • Ensure you’re compliant with the latest guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office

  • Provides peace of mind that you are meeting your legal duties in collecting, processing, maintaining, and securing the data you use.

  • Provide your staff with guidance so they know what you and the ICO expect of them

  • Ensure you have a robust set of procedures and processes in place to support conformity and minimise risk

  • Have reassurance that you hold data wholly and exclusively in line with the General Data Protection Regulations


Analyzing Data

Data Protection Impact Assessment

Progressive Data provide knowledgeable resources to assist you in understanding the requirements for DPIA’s within your business. We understand the processing criteria that are likely to result in a risk. We will develop the necessary process and procedure flows to support compliance and will produce the Data Protection Impact Assessments for the particular projects you require.


Lawful Bases for Processing

Is the data processing you are carrying out “necessary” and if so, is it being done lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner? Progressive Data can support you in reviewing and determining which of the available lawful bases are applicable to your data processing of personal data. We will ensure that all necessary documentation is in place, including legitimate interest assessments, if required.

Compliance Assessment

Our Compliance Assessment gives you confidence your business is meeting its statutory obligations when gathering, storing and processing data.

We work with your team to ensure they understand the requirements and that you have adequate working practices in place.  Our data protection and GDPR compliance checks include:

  • Validating your basis for processing each dataset

  • ICO registration status

  • Information Security and controls

  • Reviewing contracts and relationships with other processors

  • Verifying internal process and procedures including privacy and security policies

  • Confirming you have adequate subject consent in place

  • Validating retention periods and policies

  • Reviewing risk management and change control

  • Ensuring your team have the support, policies and procedures and education required to understand what is expected of them

Once complete we provide an exhaustive assessment of your compliance posture and wider data protection landscape.  This provides a basis to consider further optimisation where possible, address issues of concern and hopefully gain confidence in the strength and appropriateness of existing policies and procedures.

Progressive Data Are Here To Help

Our experienced team are here to help. 

Contact us to begin your data journey.

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