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Identify Customers and their Value to you


Do your current data structures:

  • give you the clarity needed to best understand your customers 

  • quantify their individual value to your business 

  • identify the opportunities for better marketing outcomes 

  • readily support good customer relations with record monitoring and reporting 


Progressive Data can improve your organically grown datasets by identifying duplicates, resolving inconsistencies, and ensuring you can confidently report  accurate customer details and purchasing activity.


Improve your understanding of where the value is in your client data. Identify the key attributes that  make particular customers valuable and use this knowledge to enhance marketing activities, planning and strategy.  Explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can then be deployed to better target and improve the results of your marketing strategy.


Our customer focused services can help you:

  • Gain a more in depth understanding of your customers 

  • Identify duplicate customers and report on combined datasets 

  • Customise our product  to your specific organisation 

  • Understand customer purchasing behaviour more clearly 

  • Identify systems that are causing duplication 

  • Target Customers more effectively 

  • Segment your customers into groups to determine the potential untapped value in each group 

  • Understand how to best optimise your budget for acquisition and cross sale 

  • Capitalise on the sales potential of your customers 

  • Identify opportunities for CRM and marketing strategy



Unique Customer Identification

We will load and validate your data before developing bespoke matching rules and reporting on the outcomes. We will recommend potential rules to be used in customer matching for your validation. Output of the matched customer data will be produced so it can be integrated into your reporting and/or operational systems. 

Customer Value

Understand the value of your customers. We will determine the value of each customer based on their purchase history. We can segment your customers by multiple attributes to aid the identification of revenue opportunities and report on each group’s value over defined time periods.

Progressive Data Are Here To Help

Our experienced team are here to help. 

Contact us to begin your data journey.

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